Milk - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Thick coconut milk - 1 cup
Finely chopped apple -1/4 cup
Medium size banana smashed - 1
Dates - 8
Raisins - 10
Cashews- 10
Apricot - 4 slices
Ghee - 1 tbsp
In a small cup of hot milk, soak 4 dates for 1/2 hour, later grind it into thick paste.
Boil milk and add sugar, mix it well and let it cool nicely.
Cut dates and apricots into small pieces.
Roast cashews and raisins in ghee.
In a big bowl add coconut milk, boiled milk and sugar, chopped apple, smashed banana, ground dates paste, cut apricots and dates, and roasted cashews and raisins.
Fruit payasam is ready in few minutes without much cooking.
You can serve this immediately or serve it cool.
Fruits Payasam

Milk - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Thick coconut milk - 1 cup
Finely chopped apple -1/4 cup
Medium size banana smashed - 1
Dates - 8
Raisins - 10
Cashews- 10
Apricot - 4 slices
Ghee - 1 tbsp
In a small cup of hot milk, soak 4 dates for 1/2 hour, later grind it into thick paste.
Boil milk and add sugar, mix it well and let it cool nicely.
Cut dates and apricots into small pieces.
Roast cashews and raisins in ghee.
In a big bowl add coconut milk, boiled milk and sugar, chopped apple, smashed banana, ground dates paste, cut apricots and dates, and roasted cashews and raisins.
Fruit payasam is ready in few minutes without much cooking.
You can serve this immediately or serve it cool.
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